i never thought i was going to get married. but right now, everything has fallen into place in ways that i couldn't forsee. a good example of how terrible i am at this stuff is that when jeremy insisted that he buy me a ring, i made sure it was a cheap band with no stones from the flea market we go to. and then i lost it like two days later. i'm a jerk :(
i don't want a huge thing. i don't want to wear white. i don't want it to cost tons of money that we don't have.
i do want: to be outdoors. in nature. any flowers are to actually be flowering and not purchased from a florist. i want it to be relaxed with friends playing music and officiating and generally hanging out like they would at any picnic. kids playing. dogs. that sort of stuff. thankfully, it turns out jeremy doesn't care about big fancy weddings either! phew.

this is from when we went camping right before i had my surgery so we could get our minds off of it. i want our wedding to feel like we did on that weekend. we drove down to santa cruz and camped at big basin, and then slowly meandered up the 1 back to the bay, stopping at greyhound rock and pescadero and anywhere else we felt like. i had done the drive a million times before but never with jeremy and miri. i thought that the entire time i'd be trying to point out and show things to them that i already knew about and i ended up being amazed at how much stuff i had never seen that we could experience together for the first time.

we're going camping for the first time since then at eatwell farm this weekend for a garlic harvesting summer solstice thing. i've been a member of the csa for over two years now and i've never made it to the farm. here's to more experiences with my family.
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