sibley is a very cool volcanic park that is also an off leash dog area. our favorite kind of dog area! we hiked around for a few hours, taking the volcano and quarry trails and also heading down to the pond. once we walked all the way down the hill we found out it is a dog free area so we just pretty much walked back up. whoops. totally my fault ('let's go down that steep hill to check out a pond!') but jeremy and miri are good sports. i found out that grapes are a good way to coax miri up a hill when she's already been hiking for a couple of hours.

the last push up the hill was too much for miri so she got a nice ride for a little while. she looks really red there but she really didn't get too sunburned. the temperatures have been heading up in the bay area recently and after forgetting it one day last week, i have the baby sunblock everywhere we go now.
all last week miri was not in daycare so we spent all our time together. now that she's back i miss her so much! she is such a good kid and i am so happy she is in my life.