my favorite salad ever from intermezzo in berkeley
i feel like most of the time when i post on this it's hey here is this thing i did! i did another thing too, let me show you. which i guess is useful and serves a purpose. i just want everyone to know though, we do a lot of being straight homebodies too. like this.

i guess what i mean by that is i cook a lot and miri hangs out in her diapers a lot and jeremy is the best dad ever. and that my camera is super yellow indoors and i don't have photoshop. huzzah.
the only thing we do more than hang out at home is hang out in parks and playgrounds. in the past week, miri and i have been to playgrounds all around the bay area, from dennis the menace playground in monterey to totland in berkeley. dennis the menace was one of my absolute favorite playgrounds as a kid. it is located right in between the manmade lake el estero and cemetary el encinal. dennis the menace was pretty renowned for it's dangerous play structures when i was a kid and it's sortof sad that they've been taken out. i don't think i would let miri play on the old helicopter ride that used to be near the locomotive. i have good childhood memories of probably nearly breaking my neck as well teenage ones of sneaking in on new years to drink vodka out of plastic water bottles in the tunnels.

we were down in monterey hanging out with my dad and his dogs for a few days this weekend. the highlight of the trip was probably hiking at garland park in carmel valley. it's one of my favorite places to hike of all time. i've been going there since i was probably seven or so. we went on a long and meandering hike up through the waterfall, cliff, vasquez and mesa trails. it was perfect weather; warm and sunny with a nice breeze, which was welcome after a chilly week or two in the bay area lately. get ready for probably way too many pictures but i really loved this hike that much. this was the longest and steepest hike we've ever taken miri on and she did great. i'm excited to take her hiking more often.

my parents dogs: homer

and baxter

too many photos? you tell me. anyway it was just a perfect hike. perfect length, elevation, weather, kid to dog ratio, everything. next time i want to take them out on a trail at the ranger station in big sur. maybe someday miri will be old enough/ready to hike out to sykes hot springs in big sur, out farther on that trail. these day hikes are good practice for a bigger one like that. maybe by next summer.
other than that, we've been hanging out at playgrounds with our friends freya, hunter, lydia and tristan. i guess some adults too. i finally got to meet lydia! i held her for like over an hour. it was the best.

and because i started this post out with food with a face, here is an eggplant with a nose.

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